Training to Reign with God, The Christian Guide to Spiritual Maturity
Salvation is not a “ticket to heaven,” but rather a lifestyle choice enabling you to experience “heaven on earth.”
Is your head spinning with Christian jargon? Are you sure you understand what terms like salvation, redemption, and born again, really mean?
Train to Reign redefines all this Christian language in a way that makes practical sense for making decisions here and now. Train to Reign prepares you for the life God intended for you as one who can walk in faith above the noise of the world.
On this journey to Christian spiritual maturity, you will learn
- What The Gift of Salvation is.
- How to live a Royal Lifestyle of Victory.
- What pitfalls to avoid.
- How God weaves his presence and blessing into our lives.
Dancing with God
Dancing With God, The Christian Journey to Live Supernaturally , is a step-by-step tool to break off blocks, burdens, and barriers and teach you the beautiful art of dancing with God, a partnership with the One who knows you and loves you intimately. This book brings you to a deeper dimension of spiritual health through the most powerful gifts of repentance and forgiveness.
If you suffer from emotional and spiritual setbacks, your life will never be “back to normal.” This book will show you how your life has the power to be supernaturally better than your past “normal” as you journey forward in your dance with God.
When you’ve finished this book, you will live out your salvation moving from glory to glory. The exercises here will allow you to:
- Develop an experience involving your body, mind, and spirit.
- Build a working process that can be adapted to any situation.
- Remove roadblocks from your path, thereby eliminating endless apologies and self-abasement.
Dancing with God
Dancing With God, The Christian Journey to Live Supernaturally , is a step-by-step tool to break off blocks, burdens, and barriers and teach you the beautiful art of dancing with God, a partnership with the One who knows you and loves you intimately. This book brings you to a deeper dimension of spiritual health through the most powerful gifts of repentance and forgiveness.
If you suffer from emotional and spiritual setbacks, your life will never be “back to normal.” This book will show you how your life has the power to be supernaturally better than your past “normal” as you journey forward in your dance with God.
When you’ve finished this book, you will live out your salvation moving from glory to glory. The exercises here will allow you to:
- Develop an experience involving your body, mind, and spirit.
- Build a working process that can be adapted to any situation.
- Remove roadblocks from your path, thereby eliminating endless apologies and self-abasement.
When you’ve finished this book, you will live out your salvation moving from glory to glory. The exercises here will allow you to:
- Develop an experience involving your body, mind, and spirit.
- Build a working process that can be adapted to any situation.
- Remove roadblocks from your path, thereby eliminating endless apologies and self-abasement.

The Path Forward
The Path Forward offers practical biblical applications to help you move out of ruts and old habits to move forward in your life. It contains assessments and exercises that can be used individually and in a group study. You will learn how to turn roadblocks into building blocks in these four areas:
- By healing heart wounds, you will be set free from living in the past.
- By becoming sanctified, you will be released from poor choices made in your past.
- By developing the right relationship with God, your relationship with others will flourish.
- By being transformed into the amazing person He created you to be, you will have fulfillment and satisfaction
Living requires movement, either forward or backward. If you are not moving forward, you are slipping backward. This book will show you how to embark on The Path Forward.
The Path Forward
The Path Forward offers practical biblical applications to help you move out of ruts and old habits to move forward in your life. It contains assessments and exercises that can be used individually and in a group study. You will learn how to turn roadblocks into building blocks in these four areas:
- By healing heart wounds, you will be set free from living in the past.
- By becoming sanctified, you will be released from poor choices made in your past.
- By developing the right relationship with God, your relationship with others will flourish.
- By being transformed into the amazing person He created you to be, you will have fulfillment and satisfaction
Living requires movement, either forward or backward. If you are not moving forward, you are slipping backward. This book will show you how to embark on The Path Forward.
Training to Reign with God, The Christian Guide to Spiritual Maturity
- What The Gift of Salvation is.
- How to live a Royal Lifestyle of Victory.
- What pitfalls to avoid.
- How God weaves his presence and blessing into our lives.